
Utah Divorce Advice

ACLU Sues the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Over Taking Photos at Border Crossings The American Civil Liberties Union is claiming that various individuals and legal observers at several border crossings have been prevented by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other DHS officials from taking photos at the border. The lawsuit, brought on […]

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House Bill 236, in the Utah legislature is creating some talk amongst those practicing family law. According to the bill, it “expands the circumstances under which a court may order alimony, and it increases the length of time alimony may be awarded.” Currently there are three main factors the court considers in determining the appropriateness […]

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As a person born and raised in Mexico, I am in touch with the Latino community; I have heard what their concerns are when it refers to health, economy, politics, immigration and education. They are concerned because they care about their families and themselves. Additionally, immigrants know that as tax payers they contribute to the […]

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Como persona que nació y se crió en México, estoy en contacto con la comunidad latina; he escuStaceyo sus preocupaciones referents a salud, economía, política, inmigración , y educación. La gente latina tiene estas inquietiudes porque se preocupan por sus familias así como por ellos mismos. Adicionalmente, los inmigrantes saben que al pagar sus impuestos […]

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In June 2011, the Obama administration identified its top immigration enforcement priorities: individuals who pose a threat to public safety, recent border crossers, or repeat violators of immigration law. The administration specifically empowered Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to exercise prosecutorial discretion (or withholding of prosecution for removal) in cases where the undocumented immigrant does […]

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