
Immigrant Beware: Scam Artists Preying on Immigrant’s Hopes of Obtaining Status or Lawful Work Status

Within a few days of the Obama Administration’s announcement that the Department of Homeland Security, US Citizenship and Immigration Service and Immigration and Customs Enforcement would stop deporting DREAMers and begin issuing work permits for those who fall under that category, predators began making claims that they could obtain said work permits immediately for those who apply. Apparently, a Danville business is advertising that for $700 they can get the children of illegal immigrants work permits, social security numbers and drivers licenses. Doubtless, there are similar scam artists in your area. BEWARE.

Currently, there is no process currently in place to implement the deferred action (for deportation) or work visa plan for adult children of undocumented immigrants. In fact, the DHS already announced that there would be no process in place for at least 60 days. If you are a DREAMer, please be patient with this process and seek the assistance of only licensed immigration attorneys.

There are a myriad of scams which target undocumented immigrants who have very difficult immigration issues. Often times, these scammers do business under the guise of “notarios,” offering to prepare applications for lawful permanent residency (green cards) or work permits for undocumented immigrants. Some offer to get status for immigrants who have significant criminal histories; others advertise their ability to obtain work permits and social security numbers or tax ID’s for those who have already entered the country without a visa or having undergone some sort of inspection. Undocumented immigrants are the most often targeted because they are eager to engage in the formal work economy and they often do not have access to immigration attorneys. Just remember that if it sounds too good to be true — it likely is.

The moral of the story is this: Immigration is a complex area of law which needs to be addressed by a licensed, reputable immigration attorney.

For more information on the DREAM scam in Kentucky: