
Deferred Action Approved for Nearly 4,600 Young Undocumented

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has released its Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals numbers for the first two months of the program. In the first two months that Deferred Action applications were accepted for processing, the USCIS approved 4600 applications. Since August 15, approximately 180,000 applications were received by the USCIS. Currently, 158,000 applications […]

Graduado de Leyes Pasa el Exámen de la Barra de Abogados del Estado de New York, Posiblemente no Podrá Practicar su Profesión Debido a Estatus Migratorio- Actualización

Meses atrás Kareema Mitchell escribió acerca de Cesar Vargas, un graduado de la escuela de leyes de la universidad de la ciudad de New York quien fue traído ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos cuando tenía cinco años de edad. Debido a su estatus migratorio, la admisión de Vargas a la barra de abogados fue questionada […]

ESL & Other Services Available to Recent Immigrants

The Statue of Liberty stands as a symbol of the spirit of America and welcomes people of every race and from every nation into the fabric of freedom and liberty upon which the United States was founded. How fitting is her inscription: “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me […]

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